6th Grade, Geography, History, Homeschool, homeschool curriculum, Middle School, Social Studies

Discover! Social Studies 6 Timberdoodle Review!

We received for Discover! Social Studies 6 for our honest review. This review may contain affiliate links at no additional charge to you.

Hopefully, you have had a chance to read our review on Discover! Science 6, but if you haven’t, please check it out. We love history and my son loves to read and research history. I think because my son is a young 6/7th grader of 10 years old he still appreciates having informative and colorful curricula. Discover! Social Studies 6 is a non-religious wonderfully diverse social studies curriculum.

So before I start this review let me put it out there we are history nerds and very critical about social studies and history curriculum. I expose my son to gentle truth history, we don’t do fluff at home. Discover! Social Studies 6 provides a rich spine for ancient civilization history.

Discover! Social Studies 6 is designed as talking points into an ancient civilization. The program is designed with homeschoolers in mind, allowing parents and students to go deeper into each topic area. The curriculum includes two student books and an instructor guide.  Semester A book covers the topic of early civilization, ancient Egypt, Israel, India, and China. Semester B covers ancient Greece, Rome, Mesoamerica, and Africa. There are 10 chapters for the entire school year, a total of 76 lessons. Discover Social Studies 6 includes:

  • Lesson Objective
  • Explore and Read
  • Practice

Discover! Social Studies 6 has suggestions for each learning style, extension activities, and writing sections. I highly recommend using the instructor’s guide which also includes the answer key. The instructor guide provides helpful insight into each lesson and guides through to help your student.

What I like about Discover! Social Studies 6 is that it is colorful and the lessons are quick and to the point. For my student Discover! Social Studies 6  is an excellent review for him and a supplement to his current history curriculum. The lessons will not overwhelm your student and most students can navigate them on their own. I really like the vocabulary sections in each lesson. Students will use the vocabulary words on the first page of the lesson, find them throughout the lesson, and mark down the pages. 

Discover! Social Studies 6 not only provides history lessons, but students will also learn geography and map skills.  It also makes suggestions for online research. With a combination of illustrations and real-world photos, this isn’t your typical middle school history textbook. My son really likes Discover! Social Studies 6 he uses the textbook 2-3 times a week. 

We average two to three lessons a week because my son loves history, but two lessons a week is more than enough to get you through a school year. There are chapter reviews every five to seven lessons.

I highly recommend Discover! Social Studies 6 if you are looking for a simple but comprehensive social studies/history curriculum. Discover! Social Studies 6 is included in the 2023 Nonreligious 2023 Sixth-Grade Curriculum Kit. Don’t forget to check out our previous review of Discover! Science 6.

Until Next Time,

Mom and J