6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, Curriculum, Curriculum Resource, Digital Learning Platform, Education, High School, Homeschool, homeschool curriculum, Math, Middle School, Middle School Math, Online classes, Online Learning, Online Math, Pre-Algebra, S.T.E.A.M, self-paced

Mr. D Math Self-Paced Pre-Algebra Course: Empowering Middle Schoolers with Flexible Learning

We received Mr. D Math’s Self-Paced Pre-Algebra for our honest review!

As a homeschooling parent navigating the realm of mathematics education for my middle schooler, I understand the importance of finding a curriculum that not only teaches concepts effectively but also provides support and flexibility. In my quest for the perfect math curriculum Mr. D Math has been #1. We have used Mr. D Math’s course Self-Paced Preparing for Pre-Algebra and Music Production courses. Now we are enjoying Mr. D Math’s Self-Paced Pre-Algebra course, and it has exceeded my expectations in numerous way.

The Mr. D Math’s Self-Paced Pre-Algebra is structured into 12 comprehensive chapters, each containing up to 9 engaging lessons. The chapters cover a wide range of foundational mathematical topics essential for building a strong understanding of pre-algebra concepts. The chapter topics include:

  1. Introduction to Pre-Algebra
  2. Operations with Integers
  3. Operations with Rational Numbers
  4. Equations and Inequalities
  5. Proportions and Percents
  6. Powers and Roots
  7. Geometry: Angle Relationships and Transformations
  8. Geometry: Triangles and Polygons
  9. Geometry: Circles and Solid Figures
  10. Measurement and Data
  11. Probability and Statistics
  12. Review and Preparation for Algebra

Additionally, the course includes two semester exams, strategically placed to assess students’ understanding and progress throughout the academic year. These exams serve as important milestones, allowing students to review and consolidate their learning while preparing for future mathematical challenges. With its structured approach and comprehensive content, the Mr. D Math’s Self-Paced Pre-Algebra course provides a solid foundation for students transitioning into higher levels of mathematics. Students are recommended to work three to four sections a week.

Teaching Strategy

Mr. D Math’s Pre-Algebra course employs innovative teaching strategies that cater to diverse learning styles. Through engaging video lessons, interactive exercises, and real-life applications, students are encouraged to develop problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, and a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. This approach not only ensures comprehension but also fosters a genuine appreciation for the subject.

Weekly Live Tutoring

A standout feature of Mr. D Math’s Pre-Algebra course is the option for weekly live tutoring sessions. These sessions provide invaluable support and guidance for students, allowing them to interact with knowledgeable instructors in real-time. Whether students require clarification on a challenging topic or seek additional practice, the live tutoring sessions offer personalized assistance, boosting confidence and academic success.

Live Classes Option

For families who prefer a more structured learning environment, Mr. D Math offers live classes in addition to the self-paced option. This flexibility allows students to participate in scheduled classes and engage in live instruction with their peers. Whether homeschooling or seeking supplementary education, the live classes provide a dynamic learning experience tailored to individual needs.

Printable Written Exercises

As a homeschooling parent, I appreciate the option to print out written exercises and organize them in a binder. This tangible aspect not only reinforces learning but also allows students to track their progress and revisit concepts as needed. With physical copies of the exercises readily available, students can engage in hands-on learning, enhancing retention and understanding.

Self-Grading Quizzes and Tests

Mr. D Math’s Pre-Algebra course includes self-grading quizzes and tests, streamlining the assessment process for students and parents alike. These assessments provide immediate feedback, enabling students to identify areas of strength and areas needing improvement. With the self-grading feature, students can take ownership of their learning journey and track their academic progress with ease.

How We Used

We integrated Mr. D Math’s Self-Paced Pre-Algebra course seamlessly alongside our spine curriculum, utilizing it three days a week with occasional supplementary sessions on Saturdays. Aligning the sections of the Pre-Algebra course with our spine curriculum ensured a cohesive learning experience for my son. Not only did Mr. D Math reinforce concepts covered in our spine curriculum, but it also deepened his understanding and introduced strategies that enriched his mathematical skills.

Moreover, the course occasionally previewed upcoming concepts, providing my son with a valuable head start and fostering confidence as he approached new topics in our spine curriculum. This integrated approach not only enhanced my son’s grasp of mathematical concepts but also instilled in him a deeper appreciation for the subject matter. At the time of this review we are on chapter two section 2.3 -Operations with Integers the plan is to continue working Mr. D Math’s Self-Paced Pre-Algebra course until the mid semester review (end of chapter 6) and picking things back up in the fall.

Additional Course Offerings

In addition to the Pre-Algebra course, Mr. D Math offers a diverse range of classes covering various grade levels and subjects. From Algebra and Geometry to SAT and ACT Math Prep, there are numerous options available to complement and enrich your child’s educational journey. Whether as a standalone curriculum or a supplement, Mr. D Math provides comprehensive resources for math education. If you have an opportunity I also highly recommend checking out Teach: Creating Independently Responsible Learners by Dennis DiNoia it is recurring read over the summer for me when I am planning our upcoming year.

Mr. D Math’s Self-Paced Pre-Algebra course provides a comprehensive and adaptable learning experience for middle schoolers. With its innovative teaching strategies, live tutoring support, diverse course offerings, printable exercises, and self-grading assessments, this course equips students with the skills and confidence needed to excel in mathematics and beyond.

I highly encourage parents of middle schoolers to explore Mr. D Math’s Self-Paced Pre-Algebra course, especially if they’re seeking a different approach to learning or feel the need to outsource math education. Whether as a standalone curriculum or a supplement, Mr. D Math offers the flexibility, support, and quality instruction necessary for academic success. Additionally, the self-paced nature of the course makes it an excellent choice for students who may need a little extra support, even if they attend traditional schools.

Art, Homeschool, Online classes

Sparketh Online Art Lessons for Kids and Teens

We received Sparketh’s for our honest review. This review may contain affiliate links at no additional charge to you.

Online art classes for kids have become increasingly popular in recent years. Sparketh online art lessons provide children with the opportunity to explore their creativity and develop their artistic skills from the comfort of their own homes. With various lessons available, children can learn everything from basic drawing and painting techniques to more advanced skills like sculpture and digital art.

Sparketh’s self-paced art lessons are a great addition to any homeschool curriculum. Not only do they offer flexibility in terms of scheduling, but they also allow students to work at their own pace and explore their creativity.

When choosing self-paced art classes for your homeschool, it’s essential to consider the level of instruction provided as well as the materials needed. The materials for the lessons we completed were basic art supplies. All of the Sparketh provide a list of required materials for the lessons. Sparketh online art lessons offer video tutorials and step-by-step instructions, making it easy for students to follow along and learn new techniques. My son was able to do the lessons unassisted, but I like doing art with him so we did them together.

Sparketh offers 1000+ video lessons for kids as young as 6-18. There are lessons for sculpting, watercolors, cooking, drawing, and so much more. The video lessons started with an introduction that included our list of supplies. The video lessons are short and will hold your student’s attention. As you work through the lessons you work through a checklist to help you complete each lesson instruction.

Sparketh online art lessons are taught by professional artists who can provide valuable guidance. We were super excited when we noticed that many of the instructors were from Kennesaw State University a local college to us. I love that my son was learning from student artists, I feel it made lessons more relatable. The instructors were well-spoken and did the lessons at a steady pace. We can pause instructions and work then restart the lesson. In addition, there are lessons available for children/teens of all ages and skill levels, making it easy to find a lesson that is right for your child.

For this review, we completed two lessons and I have a few more scheduled this month and next. We did a study on ancient Africa in our history curriculum and we decided to do the elephant silhouette. For our music studies, we studied the Harlem Renaissance and we did the Harlem Renaissance portrait. Students can also submit their completed works to Sparketh gallery.

Overall, Sparketh self-paced art lessons were a fun and engaging way for my homeschooled student to explore his creativity and develop his artistic skills. With Sparketh instructors, students can learn new techniques and create beautiful works of art at their own pace. Sparketh is reasonably priced and offers monthly and yearly plan options. One parent account includes two student accounts, which is a great value for homeschoolers.

If you are like me art tends to take the back burner in our homeschool, but I really enjoyed Sparketh and I have marked off some favorite lessons I would like us to try. My son also liked the platform he said it had a lot of different lessons that work well for him. I highly recommend that you check out Sparketh online art classes for kids and teens.

Coding, Computer Technology, Curriculum, Education, Flex-paced, Games and Apps, Homeschool, Kids and Technology, Online classes, S.T.E.A.M, self-paced

Technology Education with MyTek Lab

We received MyTek Lab for our honest review. This review may contain affiliate links at no additional charge to you.

In today’s digital age, children are being exposed to technology earlier than ever. They must learn how to use technology responsibly and safely. Parents can encourage their children to explore technology by providing them with age-appropriate devices and software and monitoring their use.

One way to teach kids about technology is through educational games and apps. These can help children learn basic skills such as reading, writing, and math, as well as more advanced skills like coding and problem-solving. Parents can also enroll their children in technology classes or camps like MyTek Lab to further develop their skills.

My son is working his way through the Computer Technology introductory course for ages 8-12 offered on Tuesday afternoons. In the Computer Technology course students will learn programming. This class is designed to be easy to understand and fun to follow. They cover a wide range of topics, including computer skills, coding, web design tools, video game design, and so much more.

Mr. and Mrs. MyTek Lab as well as Little MyTek help students learn to navigate the world of computer technology by creating a positive, encouraging environment for learning. What I really like about this course is that the facilitators understand that kids need time to learn all this information and they continue to encourage the kids to keep pushing through and ask questions in the chat. Mr. MyTek walks the students step by step with in-depth explanations and interactive lessons that students can work alongside him as he moves through the lesson.

MyTek Lab offers flex-paced online computer technology classes for kids. These courses are a great way to introduce children to the world of technology.

Flex Pace is a highly adaptable course alternative designed to cater to students’ varying schedules. This learning approach involves weekly recorded videos and lesson releases, allowing students the convenience to engage with the course content according to their own timelines. Given the rapid and frequent evolution of technology, the potential for outdated material is a concern for learners. However, Flex Pace proactively addresses this issue by continuously updating our content, ensuring that all students have access to the most current material and instructional modules. Recordings will be released each Monday.

MyTek Lab

There is a parent and student dashboard, but the majority of the time you really don’t need to log into the parent dashboard. My son is capable of getting himself in and out of the platform on his own. After the first class, he was a pro maneuvering and he was teaching me because I was so confused about just getting him into the class. MyTek Lab in my honest opinion speaks to children, because I was listening to the class during the session and I wasn’t sure if my son understood everything. When I asked him he said he understood everything and that he in fact loved the class.

At the time of the review we are wrapping up week 3 of live classes and so far my son has learned how to create a pixel avatar, program a game, and program character movement. Each week students learn the lesson, practice, and complete assignments. I really like that the classes are both live and flex pace, my son was a little under the weather in week two and did the flex pace option so he could get caught up with the live class.

I like MyTek Lab because the teachers are friendly and they really want us kids to learn about technology. I don’t feel rushed when we are doing the lesson and Mr. Tek Lab explains a lot in a way kids understand.

Jai 10

MyTek Lab also has superior customer service I was having trouble logging in they were swift about helping me troubleshoot. I appreciate that MyTek Lab is a family family-operated business. I can really tell the owners care about their students and have created exceptional courses to keep children advancing in technology. If you are looking for quality computer courses I highly recommend MyTek Lab they offer five classes in which some of the classes are two parts. The classes schedules for live classes are offered at convenient times. The flex-paces classes are a game changer because give your student the flexibility to go at their own pace.

If you would like to try out MyTek Lab, I highly recommend that you do. New families can contact Jacky (Mrs. MYTEK) at jsouders@myteklab.com for a discounted monthly rate of $15 dollars off of the monthly rate.

Until the Next Time,

Mom and J

Homeschool, Music Appreciation, music production, Online classes, self-paced

Mr. D Math: Self-Paced Digital Music Production Course with Brent Daniels

We received Mr. D newest course Digital Music Production with Brent Daniel for our honest review. This review may contain affiliate links at no additional charge to you.

When you are married to a music producer life is different. Being woken up to the sounds and music in the middle of the night is normal. Having in-home listening parties is a weekly event for your small family. My son and his dad speak a musical language I do not know, but I am trying to learn.  I have learned a lot of terminology and software, but I don’t have a connection to music production like they do. At least once or twice a week I hear them bickering over which DAW system is better or how to work on projects. Then there is the butting of heads over the learning process of music production. My son wants the end results right now and my husband needs to learn the basics and background.  Thank goodness for Mr. D newest course Digital Music Production with Brent Daniels it has brought calm to my house.  If you have a student who wants to step into the music arena you have to try this course.

What is Music Production?

Music production is the creation of music. A music producer’s job is to compose various sounds into an entire composition. Then there is the engineering or (mixing ) is making the sound cohesive. The last component is mastering when you take the mixed product and make it commercial quality. I know what you are thinking that is a lot of knowledge and work that goes into music production. Lucky for you Mr. D Digital Music Production with Brent Daniels course has built a fantastic course that takes some producers years to learn.

Using Digital Music Production with Brent Daniels

Brent Daniels is a successful music producer with projects with Marvel Studios, Netflix, and Epic Records just to name a few.  Students will have their own platform on the Mr. D Math dashboard, that lists all the lessons and tracks their graded process. Digital Music Production with Brent Daniels provides your student with a deep dive into sixteen lessons on digital music production. Within each lesson, students watch on average 25-35 minute videos. He teaches this course from his personal studio, these are pre-recorded self-paced video lessons. As you journey through lessons your student will want to learn more and get excited.

Mr. Daniel walks students through music production hardware and software, and so much more. He also explains the different career paths for music production and shares snippets of his own projects. There is homework assigned so students can have a hands-on learning experience. The homework assignments allow students to apply what they have learned and explore. Along with videos and homework, students also take quizzes that cover 100% of the lesson’s material.

If you aren’t familiar with a DAW ( Digital Audio Workstation) this is the software that is used to produce music. He mentions several DAW software that work with various operation systems. From the primary DAW to the more complex your student will find something that works for them and their budget. Fortunately for my son, he has experience working with Ableton, FL Studio, Logic Pro, and music production equipment. Remember the earlier mention about the DAW system battle in my house my son prefers Ableton and my husband is a die-hard FL Studio/ Studio One user.  There are included embedded links to Youtube, websites, and other resources for your student. 

The Review

Over the course of the last few weeks, my husband and son took on the course. My husband conveyed to me that he really enjoyed how the course was laid out and presented in a real studio and Mr. Daniels has powerful sounds and visuals. The course gives the viewer the feel they are sitting in the studio or “lab” (producer language).

Digital Music Production with Brent Daniels is not a course for a student who has not shown an interest in music production. The course is for those students who have shown significant interest. He gives the students a complete breakdown of the basics and takes them through to the end of laying down a track using all knowledge they have gained over the course. What we all noticed is this isn’t a course you want to fast forward through because you will miss valuable information. So take your time and enjoy.

I really like this course because it answers questions that I may have about creating music. My dad has taught me a lot and I have a better understanding of what he has been teaching me. It was nice to meet the person that help creat some some the music for Black Panther.

Jai -10

The homework assignments given offer the students the opportunity to try out what they have learned and research. Fortunately for our home, we have an in-house studio so my son has the opportunity to use many of the types of equipment suggested in the course thus far. At the time of this review, my husband and son were finishing up week 6. My husband said this course was a great refresher for him and he did learn about a few programs he didn’t know existed. He further said that it offered our son a fully laid out course that will help him develop his music production skills.

What I wish I had learned earlier is the characteristics of sound such as pitch, timber, and volume that this course teaches. All of these topics are imperative for rising music producers to learn on their journey.

Obscure Shakur -dad

Digital Music Production with Brent Daniels course is also a great referencing course for upcoming music producers. The course will equip students with the knowledge they need to produce music. I feel like this course helped settle some of the frustration my son was having because while he understands how to use the DAW, he now understands the why and the foundation. I also have noticed that it has provided new talking points for him and his dad. He now sees the value behind why he sees his dad going through the steps of putting beats together and as a greater appreciation for the creation process.

Do you need to run out and buy any special music equipment in order to complete this course? I would say no not at this time, but is it helpful to have a USB Midi keyboard which is mentioned in lesson 1.  I wouldn’t suggest investing in music equipment unless you are 100% this is something your student will continue down the path to music production. 

My husband is a self-taught music producer with 20+ years experience, he is very talented and has a gift for music. My son has picked up a lot from his dad and stays in our home studio. My husband has said many times he wished that he could have had a course like this when he was my son’s age to walk him through music production because it could have saved him some time.

We highly recommend Mr. D newest course Digital Music Production with Brent Daniels for students or adults looking to get a feel for music production. This self-paced course is detailed and a wealth of information. We will continue to use this course this year and I know my son will refer to it often and is looking forward to completing the final project.